Welcome to our Blog. Our aim is to offer you practical knowledge drawn from our experiences and observations from teaching group classes and workshops. Inspiration also comes from our case studies with private clients and working through our own injuries, ailments and distractions. All names have been removed or replaced to protect the anonymity of our clients.

We are so grateful for our friends and colleagues that have helped provide the content and inspiration for this Blog. We wouldn't be us without you.

Thanks for reading. John & Mary Jo Johnson

Pose of the Month

Each month we unpack a yoga pose. Collectively the poses will make up a balanced yoga sequence. This sequence incorporates a warm-up then and a wide range of movement, and finishing with some restorative poses…

Abdominal work can be bad for your back

When people think of core strengthening, most think of crunches and sit-ups. However, a focus solely on abdominal work and abdominal strengthening can actually be counterproductive on a number of important levels…

What's Yoga Nidra?

Think of Yoga Nidra as a set of practices, which we could do anytime. It's a path of meditation itself — a path of discovering who we are, what all the different changing states are in ourselves, our emotions, thoughts, feelings…

A Devilish Trick

Imagine an evil demon who is determined to play as many tricks on you as possible — a demon supremely powerful and cunning, who has devoted all his efforts to deceiving you. How far could the demon's deceptions go…

Where's the Boundary

Let's take a straightforward question, "What do you take to be the boundary of yourself?" The place where you end and with the rest of the world that isn't you begins? For most of us the answer is…

Meditation as a Symphony

We invite you to listen. See if you can really deeply attune your ability to listen to your body. Think of it as a symphony, and see if you can think of everything as a meditation — when we're walking, sitting, sleeping…

A Guided Meditation

Recent articles in Science show that by using the full landscape of the mind we can grow more grey matter. Matter that's involved in muscle control, and sensory perception. Find a comfortable seated position…

A Case for Failure

To embrace the experience of failure, not merely to tolerate it allows us to abandon the constant straining of never putting a foot wrong. We see and feel things as they really are, only then we can drop through to a more authentic self…

I Can't Meditate

I can't meditate — I hear this a lot from new and seasoned yogis alike. Many of us expect to be able to sit down and somehow instantly quieten the mind. Well-intentioned yoga teachers can often…

Poems & Passages

Out of the quarrel with others we make rhetoric; out of the quarrel with ourselves we make poetry. W.B. Yeats…

Fixed Versus Incremental Mindset

What is talent and where does it come from? Those with a "Fixed theory" assume that ability is innate. Those with an "Incremental theory" believe it comes through challenge and hard work…

Qi Gong Practices scribed (stick figures)

Download scribes (stick figure drawings) from classes with John. He has developed a healing and strengthening protocol drawing from the ancient practices of Shen Zheng, Sun Shen, Wisdom and Medical Qi Gong…